Combating Autoimmunity Naturally

Claim Your Health Back

Are you ready to reach your optimal health?

Do you want to regain your vitality? 

Have you been begging for your issues to be truly heard?

What is stopping you from getting the help you deserve?

According to The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), there are approximately 50 million Americans suffering from autoimmune diseases. That equates to 20 percent of the population!

With over 100 known autoimmune diseases today, autoimmunity has become a major chronic health problem and diagnosis for these diseases are difficult, research is limited, and conventional treatment is often counterintuitive.

The Functional Health Alternative

During Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally, we will discuss strategies to overcome these obstacles with the help of functional health approaches.

Functional health approaches focus on:

  • The individuality of each individual, based on their genetics, environment, and unique health history.
  • An individual-centered approach, rather than simply treating the symptoms of the disease.
  • The identification of health as a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being, rather than just the absence of disease.
  • The complex mix of interactions of nutrition, physical activity, organ integrity, and stress management.
  • Prevention of complex, chronic conditions that need specialized care.

Join us to get clear on how you can reverse (and even prevent!) autoimmune complications at our next online webinar, Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally, on Saturday, November 17th at 1:00 pm CST.



Essential Oils 101

Did you know essential oils have been healing people of all cultures around the world for centuries?

From Energizing to Calming… Essential Oils Can Help!

Some oils are noted for their ability to heal, aid digestion, alleviate pain, and soothe sore muscles while others are amazing for toxin-free cleaning and bug deterrent.

Are you aware that essential oils have the ability to…

-Boost your immune system and fight cold and flu symptoms
-Relax and soothe sore muscles
-Alleviate headaches and minor aches and pains
-Improve cognitive ability and brain function
-Reduce toxicity and heal digestive concerns

No matter what you’re in need of, essential oils can improve your overall well-being of mind, body, and soul naturally!

Did you also know essential oils can benefit your pets? Our webinar on Saturday, October 13th will also discuss what oils to avoid as well as how to safely apply them to your furry friends.

EssentialOils101_Print_LetterFlyer_0DURING THIS FREE WORKSHOP 


**Various application techniques**

**Essential oils for balancing hormones**

**Ways to boost immunity with essential oils**

**Supporting digestion, improving brain function, and many more ways to use essential oils to restore health and vitality**

**Essential oils for pets**

**Quick reference guides and recipes to get you started making custom essential oil blends today!**




Introductory to Overcoming Digestive Challenges

Don’t Become Part Of This Uncomfortable Statistic…

Nearly 4%-10% of adults experience symptoms of acid reflux or GERD on a daily basis, and in Western countries, up to 30% of adults experience symptoms weekly. Over 50% of infants experience significant reflux at some point.

The symptom list for acid reflux and GERD is long and varied, but some of the most widely experienced are:

– A burning sensation in the chest (heartburn), usually after eating, which might be worse at night
– Chest pain
– Difficulty swallowing
– Regurgitation of food or sour liquid
– Sensation of a lump in your throat

There are many causes for the symptoms above, including eating before bed, eating too much, chronic stress, food sensitivity, and even being overweight. And often people turn to over-the-counter medications to find relief. Unfortunately, many of those medications only treat the symptoms and do not address the cause.

Thankfully, there are natural solutions to finding relief from acid reflux and GERD, which is why we invite you to join us for Overcoming Digestive Challenges on Saturday, April 14th at 7:00 pm CDT.

Register HERE

Got Cravings? What to eat instead…

Anyone who has made changes to their diet has probably experienced cravings! I came across a similar chart a few years ago and it has been a huge help when I go through times of craving foods I know are not a healthy choice!!!  Here is my rendition and hope it is beneficial to you in your health journey 🙂


Expert Talk: David Perlmutter, MD Brain Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease and Nutrition

I just listened to the first ‘bonus’ video from the Autoimmune Revolution and I was STUNNED! ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!  I am looking forward to the rest of the videos – I have a feeling it is going to end up being a great resource for me on this journey…  If you missed my previous post here is another link below to sign up for the free content!

After registering you will get an email confirmation with a link to the bonus content – The video I just watched was:

Expert Talk: David Perlmutter, MD Brain Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease and Nutrition

(Here is Dr. Perlmutters website

5 Pillars to Healthy Function - Diet - Rest - Stress Management - Exercise - Proper Digestion

5 Pillars of Healthy Function

One of the challenges in functional health is figuring out where to start.  With the approach being different than the symptom management model it can be overwhelming as one attempts to uncover the root causes of the malfunctioning of our body.  Another challenge is looking at our health challenges from the perspective of a healthy body that is no longer in a state of homeostasis.  When our presupposition is our body was designed to function in that state and when it is not functioning as intended then we focus on what factors disrupt the natural balance and which factors promote balance.  So what are some of those things?  And, which of those things take priority?

The top five areas which impact our health the greatest are:

  • Diet
  • Rest
  • Stress
  • Exercise
  • Digestion

How many of us have worked really hard at one or two, maybe even three, of these and we still come up against roadblocks in our journey to good health?  In recent months our physician and I have been looking at the things which are working for my son, what’s not and where can we improve.  Out of these top five we have two of them down pat – knock out of the park grand-slams!  One of these we do ok with, better than the average American and two of them we struggle with – BIG TIME!

So what makes these five things the most important?  Well, they work in harmony. When we take one of these out of the equation things begin to malfunction.  Each of them by themselves directly impact our health. Let’s take a brief look at each one:


This one is probably the most understood and the one we embrace the most.  What we eat. In every facet of life whether food, vehicles, electronics -the quality of the building blocks have a direct impact on the final product.  When we eat things which are food-like and not real food we are providing low quality building materials for our body to work with.   At some point we will get what we pay for.  Just as we get what we put into our retirement accounts, our health in latter years will be a return on what we invested earlier in life.


There are several blogs which I follow that have some amazing posts which reflect on our childhood years.  Do you ever remember asking why you needed to take a nap? Why did you have to go to bed so early?  The answer I always received was – that was the time my body repairs, the more I rest the more I will grow.  Of course I couldn’t wait to grow up so that usually motivated me to take that nap or head to bed!

Our bodies need time to rest.  We have a lot of demands for our time and energy.  Just as we don’t leave our vehicles running all the time we shouldn’t keep our bodies running all the time.  They need time to repair from the daily toils from our day to day life.  If we continually ‘burn the candle at both ends’, the wick is going to burn out.  If we keep our engine going without down time it is going to overheat. The same with our bodies – it will start to malfunction.


This one is HUGE!  I don’t know about you, but I have heard this many times “stress affects your health”.  Yeah, yeah and I shrug it off going about my stressful life… Well, I am not sure I am able to articulate how vital eliminating and reducing stress are to a healthy functioning body.

The best illustration I have is our vehicles again -if we drove it off-road continuously putting stress on the suspension the suspension system is going to fail.   If we ran into curbs every time we park our vehicle it will cause damage.   The kicker is our body has a way to deal with these repairs on a daily basis – the problem is those ‘internal bandages’ can cause more malfunction when we have everything bandaged up!

This is one of those two areas my family, especially myself, struggles with.  The only answer I have found to effectively handle stress is a connection with our Creator.  My spiritual life has impacted my stress where nothing else would help.  Finding the peace from our Creator can do amazing things for our health!


This is the second most accepted concept to good health.  Diet and exercise, right?  Isn’t that what everyone says?  Well – it is true!! Well, partially – its those PLUS the other ones listed.  But, lets look at exercise.

Did you know when you exercise your endothelium(lining of the blood vessels) releases nitric oxide?  In 1998 Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad were awarded the Nobel Peace prize “for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system”.  What does nitric oxide do?  It helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, regulating clotting and blood flow, to name a few.  Basically it helps to promote healthy cardiovascular function.  Sort of like having a built in fuel system cleaner in a vehicle – wouldn’t that be neat!!

What happens with our fuel system in our vehicles when it gets dirty?  The engine starts running rough, right?  Sometimes it causes other problems as well.  Our bodies are very similar, if our cardiovascular system is not working as designed, it starts to malfunction.  Exercise promotes a smooth running system.


So what if we are eating great foods, amazing sleep, no stress and we exercise regularly – we should be all set to a healthy body right?  Ah there is still another piece of the puzzle which needs to be in place – digestion!  If we are not assimilating the wonderful foods our bodies are not going to have access to the building blocks needed for repairing from daily life.

Again I like the illustration of our vehicles.  If our fuel system has a clog and the gas is unable to get to the spark plugs, the engine is not going to work.  Or if the gas that is getting through but its not flowing at the proper rate, the engine is going to run rough.

Having a properly functioning digestive system is another vital part in achieving that highly sought after homeostasis, referred to as good health.  This one is perhaps one of the most difficult to correct since many processes are intertwined with others.  When our system is disrupted it often seems like trying to get untangled from a spiderweb.  Which often loops back to stress as we attempt to untangle our digestive mess.

So what do we do now? How do we return these areas to a balance which promotes healthy function?

Support.  Surround yourself with others who are supportive in your journey. It is amazing what can be accomplished when you have others to help carry your burdens.  Just remember, we have to share that we have a need for folks to have the opportunity to help  😉

Your comments and questions are always welcome! I hope this is beneficial to you or someone you love! Thanks for stopping by!


7 keys to a Healthy Gut

I am always on the look out for practical ways to implement changes to better my family’s health.  With the amazing role our digestive system plays in maintaining health I thought I would do a quick post with some key tips on the path to achieving healthy digestion.

  •   Chew Slowly
  •   Eat Often
  •   Enjoy Smoothies
  •   Eat Pure, Fresh Foods
  •   Choose Quality over Quantity
  •   Relax
  •   Be Kind to your Colon

I hope to go into more details on these soon and will update this post with a link when I do so.  For now hope these tips are helpful to you or a loved one  🙂
